Hands on Workshops
Each year, during March and April, DelVal Turners offers many Hands on Workshops (HOWs). Instructors and the classes they offer, along with the
opportunity to sign up for classes, are introduced at our meeting in February on the second Tuesday of the month.
In the past, classes have included:
How to make a bowl from a board.
Making pepper mills.
How to create a lidded box.
Tips on bowl aesthetics.
Segmented bowl turning.
The use of CAD (computer aided design) software in woodturning.
Turning pens, styluses, and fan pulls.
Using the Monster Hollowing jig to create hollow forms.
Spindle turning.
Multi axis turning.
Creating finials using trembles.
Thread chasing. (by hand and using jigs)
Laser engraving.
Creating three sided, lidded boxes.
Tool handle design.
Making custom tool handle inserts.
Surface decoration.
Wood burning.
Making a steady rest.
Vacuum chucking.
Skew chisel techniques.
…….and more.
These are great opportunities for novice through experienced turners to learn the basics and advanced turning skills.